How to Cancel Downpour Audiobooks?

Downpour Audiobooks account settings
Downpour Audiobooks account settings

Speaktor 2023-07-13

In this guide, we’ll show how to cancel Downpour Audiobooks and stop paying for a service you no longer need. Follow our simple steps to save money and avoid unnecessary charges.

You can cancel your membership on the mobile app or website by following the steps below:

Step 1: Log in to your Downpour Audiobooks account

  • The first step to canceling your Downpour Audiobooks subscription is to log in to your account on
  • Downpour app/ audiobook app on ios such as iPhone or Android devices (Google play store or App Store)
  • You can do this by visiting the Downpour Audiobooks website and clicking on the “Login” button in the top right corner of the page.
  • Enter your email address and password to log in to your account.
  • You can also cancel by contacting Downpour by calling customer service at 1-855-DOWNPOUR (1-855-369-6768) or

Step 2: Go to “My Account”

Once you are logged in to your Downpour Audiobooks account all you need to do is:

  • Click on “My Account” in the top right corner of the page.
  • This will take you to your account dashboard.

Step 3: Click on “Cancel Subscription”

  • On your account dashboard, you will see an option to “Cancel Subscription.”
  • Click on this button to begin the cancellation process.

Step 4: Confirm Cancellation

After clicking on “Cancel Subscription,”:

  • You will be asked to confirm your cancellation.
  • Follow the prompts to confirm that you want to cancel your Downpour Audiobooks subscription.

Step 5: Receive Confirmation

The final step of your cancellation process is:

  • Once you have confirmed your cancellation, you will receive a confirmation email from Downpour Audiobooks.
  • This email will confirm that your subscription has been canceled and you will no longer be charged for the service.

You can take a look at other best audiobook services like , AllYouCanBooks , Scribd , Nook , Kindle , and Kobo .

downpour audiobooks
  1. Dissatisfied with the selection: While Downpour Audiobooks offers a wide range of titles, some users may find that the selection does not meet their interests or preferences. In this case, canceling the subscription can save them from paying for a service that they are not using.
  2. Financial reasons: If a user is facing financial constraints, they may need to cut back on their expenses, including entertainment services like audiobooks. Canceling their Downpour Audiobooks subscription can help them save money.
  3. Limited time: Some users may find that they no longer have the time to listen to audiobooks regularly, making the subscription less valuable to them. In this case, canceling the subscription can help them avoid paying for a service they are not using.
  4. Technical issues: If a user is experiencing technical issues with the Downpour Audiobooks platform or the audiobooks themselves, canceling the subscription may be the best solution until they solve these issues.
  5. Switching to a different service: Users may decide to switch to a different audiobook service that better meets their needs or offers more competitive pricing. Canceling their Downpour Audiobooks subscription can free up funds for them to invest in a different service.

Downpour Audiobooks is an online platform that provides customers with access to a wide variety of audiobooks. The platform offers a vast selection of audiobooks, including bestsellers, new releases, and classic titles.

Users can purchase individual audiobooks or sign up for a monthly subscription to access unlimited titles. 200K + audiobooks and podcasts with exclusive Amazon Audible content. The Downpour app and subscription plan also offer the ability to purchase additional credits and the convenience of digital rental of audiobooks.

What are the Features of Downpour Audiobooks?

  1. Large selection of audiobooks: Downpour Audiobook Club offers a vast selection of audiobooks, including bestsellers, new releases, and classic titles, ensuring that users have access to a wide range of options.
  2. Monthly subscription plan: Users can sign up for monthly credits to access unlimited new titles, making it a cost-effective way to enjoy audiobooks regularly. You can also purchase extra credits along with monthly membership.
  3. Rental period: Downpour Audiobooks also offers a digital rental option that allows users to rent audiobooks for a limited time at a lower cost than purchasing the title outright.
  4. There’s a highly intuitive search bar where you can search for specific titles.
  5. Functionality/ Compatibility with multiple devices: The platform is compatible with various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and e-readers, allowing users to listen to their favorite books on the go.
  6. High-quality audio: Downpour Audiobooks offers high-quality audio recordings, ensuring that users have an immersive offline listening experience.
  7. Cloud-based library: Users can access their purchased audiobooks from anywhere via the cloud-based my library, making it easy to switch between devices or listen on the go.
  8. Free app: Downpour Audiobooks offers a free app for both iOS and Android devices, allowing users to browse and listen to audiobooks from their mobile devices easily.
  9. Customer support: The platform offers customer support via email and phone, ensuring that users can receive assistance with any issues.
  10. Downpour offers the playback speed and jump time, set a sleep timer, advances the track, or plays the previous one.

What does it mean to be DRM-free?

Digital Rights Management (DRM) free audiobook is where the DRM technology has been removed for eBooks to be read easily on any device.

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