How Can Law Students Use Text to Speech?

Law student using text-to-speech for studying

What is Text to Speech?

Text to speech technology is used for reading written texts aloud and it is in the process of development. It is being used in various fields from social media platforms to education. 

The aim of the text to speech feature is to help people who struggle with reading. It also provides an alternative for people who just basically do not want to read everything. 

How Can Students Use Text to Speech?

Each student has their own method of learning, but sometimes they are stuck with reading as their only option. For students who are audial or visual learners, reading might be hard and unbearable. 

Also, some health issues may complicate the learning process. It is even harder for students with some learning disabilities such as dyslexia or ADHD. 

As the developing technology of text to speech has been becoming widespread, educational institutions started to benefit from them. 

Text to Speech for Law Students

Whether studying civil rights law, education law, family and juvenile law, or any other branch of law, you can benefit from text to speech technologies. 

An average person is able to listen twice as much as they are able to read. So, text to speech technology makes the learning process easier and faster for law students, who normally have to read reams of books. 

Law students

How to Use Text to Speech in Law School

Text to speech feature makes it possible to listen to text on websites, social media postings, PDF, and Microsoft Word documents alongside the many other sources law students use. 

Text to Speech Tips for Law Students

In order to use text to speech properly, there are some things you might want to pay attention to save your time:

  • Use proper punctuation
  • Be careful about your spelling

Use Proper Punctuation

Using proper punctuation such as commas and periods will make the text to speech able to detect sentences and vocalize accordingly. 

Also, punctuation at the end of the sentence might change the tone of the whole sentence. For example, using exclamation points will add the excitement feeling to the sentence. So, you will understand what is being vocalized more correctly.

If you do not put the comma in the right place, you will be confused while listening to the text. Sometimes the place of a comma can change the whole meaning of the sentence, especially with clauses.

Be Careful About Your Spelling

When text to speech technology read a misspelled word, it might sound like another word. But as the misspelled word won’t fit in the context, you are quite likely to be confused. 

To prevent misspellings in written text, you can use different spell-checking programs or extensions. For example, Microsoft Word proposes its own spell-checking extension on its app.

Benefits of Text to Speech for Law Students

Law students and lawyers can benefit from text to speech technology to convert written texts into spoken words. 

Some of the most beneficial aspects of text to speech for law students can be listed as:

  • Saving time
  • Better comprehension
  • Preparing for business life

Saving Time

Law school requires many readings and reading for pages can take a long time from students’ lives. Instead of reading every text, you can use text to speech features and listen to them. This will make your studying hours shorter and save your time. 

Also listening to something is much easier than reading because you can listen to anything anywhere, like when you are taking the bus, going for a walk, or cooking. These wider fields of listening will definitely save your time.

Better Comprehension

Sometimes reading too much might be tiring and at some point, your comprehension will decrease. Especially students who are in trouble with learning abilities, such as dyslexia, who cannot really process written knowledge. 

In these and such situations, listening to the information will provide you with better comprehension. 

Preparing for Business Life

After graduating from law school, you will be dealing with more audial cases rather than written texts and readings. 

Being accustomed to listening to legal cases and terminology might be helpful in your career. So that you will be more able to comprehend the spoken words in court and response to them more efficiently thanks to your accustomedness. 

Text to Speech Suggestions for Law Students

There are many different text to speech apps and extensions. But it might be more useful for you to use one which includes more legal terminology and more content. 

Some of the most preferred text to speech platforms by law students are:

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