How to Turn On Text to Speech with Google Docs?

Customizing text-to-speech settings in Google Docs
Customizing text-to-speech settings in Google Docs

Speaktor 2023-07-13

The first thing to know is that only the Google Chrome browser supports Google “Screen Reader” extension offered by Google themselves text-to-speech functionality. The text-to-speech Google Screen Reader Chrome extension is unavailable in other browsers such as Mozilla Firefox or Opera. In other browsers, text-to-speech (TTS) on Google Docs can be accomplished through third-party apps. Google Chrome extensions use voice to make text aloud. You can easily activate text-to-speech on Google Docs by following these steps:

Turn on screen reader support on Google Documents

  • Open Google Chrome
  • Open and login Google Drive
  • Open the Google Docs that you want to use for text-to-speech
  • Navigate to the “Tools” item on the top toolbar
  • Click on “Accessibility settings” at the end of the options
  • Check the first option that is “Turn on screen reader support” and save the choices by clicking “OK” in the bottom right corner

Download “Screen Reader” offered by Google

  • Go to Google “Chrome Web Store”
  • Find the extension search field and type “Screen Reader” into it
  • Press the “Add to Chrome” button on the right of the screen
  • Give permissions to install by pressing the “Add extension” box
  • Wait until it is installed

Use Screen Reader on Google Docs

  • Go to Google Docs for text-to-speech functionality
  • Select the text to read aloud
  • Go to the toolbar and press the Accessibility features
  • Click the first option “Speak” and then “Speak Selection”
  • Now Google Screen Reader will read the text for you
Google docs is a writing program
  1. Click the puzzle icon at the right corner of the Google Chrome browser
  2. Press “Manage Extensions”
  3. Disable the Screen Reader extension on the opened page

Google screen reader extension has some disadvantages in converting text to audio. Here are the some problems with Screen Reader extension:

  • Turning off or on is not easy: You should go to “Extensions” from the settings of the Chrome browser, and then you should turn off the Screen Reader extension.
  • Hard to control When a screen is switched, it starts reading the screen from beginning to end.
  • Starting reading from cursor: Screen Reader extension begins reading where the cursor is. The position of the cursor and the words read the change. This makes control difficult.

Google Docs is an online word processor that allows you to create and format documents that can be worked on collectively. You can edit documents in real-time, compare changes, and comment with others about your work. It’s also great for sharing documents when discussing edits or collaborating on a project.

What Do People Use Text-to-Speech on Google Docs?

  • Increased Accessibility: Using text-to-voice to create speechified versions of the products increases accessibility for individuals who are visually impaired. Therefore, it enables anyone to use Google Drive tools
  • Ease of Use: In some cases, listening is more comfortable than reading long papers.
  • Multitasking: Users are able to listen to the written material while performing other tasks.
  • Proofreading : Text-to-speech feature helps to identify errors or unnatural phrasing, which improves the overall quality of the written content.

Google Drive is an online free storage and file-hosting service that allows users to create, edit, and collaborate on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. To use Google Drive, just sign up for a free Gmail account. Google Drive provides online tools such as Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Google Forms that can be used and shared for business and personal purposes. These programs combine the power and flexibility of the cloud with the convenience of always-available mobile access to help reduce paper usage and save time.

Can I use Google Drive and its tools on a tablet, iPhone, or android mobile device?

Google Drive has simultaneous viewing and editing features on tablet phones and computers. It can also simultaneously work on various operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Android, and iOS.

What is the sharing limit of Google Drive?

A Google Drive file can be shared with a maximum of 600 people. When sharing with groups, it is possible to share with a maximum of 100 groups so that the total number of people the drive is shared with does not exceed 600 people.

What is the storage limit of Google Drive?

A regular Google Account gives 15 GB of free Google Drive storage. Google has various packages for those needing more storage space and businesses that want to take advantage of different privileges. Google Drive pricing policies change according to the country. To learn more about extra storage, check this site .

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Text to Speech



Convert your text to voice and read aloud