Is Turning Text to Speech Better than Reading?

Person reading a printed book

What is Text-to-Speech?

Text-to-speech, or TTS, is a computer function that converts text into speech. It is a type of assistive technology that can help people who are blind or have low vision, dyslexia, learning disabilities, or other reading difficulties.

Where Can Text to Speech Software be Used?

Text-to-speech software can read ebooks, documents, web pages, and text files and converts them into high-quality natural-sounding voices.

What are the Benefits of Reading While Listening?

Text-to-speech technology is a great way to listen while reading. Text-to-speech tools enable your device to read aloud text. You can also change the default language and enable or disable this feature. Modern TTS has several advantages over traditional paper reading:

Text to Speech Increases Concentration:

Listening has been shown to reduce the impact of other distracting factors. When you’re reading an article, it can be hard to focus on the content. You might be distracted by your phone or a conversation with someone nearby. Hearing the article read aloud solves these problems for you. The audio version of the text files can be listened to without any distractions.

Text to Speech Improves Reading Comprehension:

Listening to the articles makes them much easier to follow. People who listen to the content while studying have a better chance of remembering the material when they’re asked to recall it in the future. Using two senses simultaneously also helps reduce the time spent reading and comprehending.

Text to Speech Make People Read Faster:

People’s reading speed increases and they save time as their concentration rate and reading comprehension improve with text-aloud technology. They are reading and learning more quickly, boosting the mood and motivation of learners. 

Practice complex pronunciations:

Reading aloud and listening to the correct diction can be an excellent way to improve your speaking. Also, word and sentence repetition is another helpful feature of TTS.

Learning a new language with different accents:

When learning a different language, different accents are also essential to the practice. Reading while listening to a foreign accent is a helpful way to learn quickly—customization of voices and reading styles with TTS voices are also suitable for practicing difficult pronunciations. 

A person who turned text to speech

What are the Valuable Features of Text-to-Speech Apps?

Text readers have numerous beneficial features. Some of the technical elements are:

Change speed rate:

When learning a new language, we often have difficulty understanding what others tell us. One of the reasons for this is that our listening rate is usually slower than our reading rate in the new language. The language ability of new learners is limited compared to native people’s, so the reading speed of new learners is slow. Making the listening rate similar to Reading is good functionality for them.

Move around in the text:

Text aloud also enables the reader to navigate the text, rewind, jump to different sections of the book or article, and search for keywords and chapters. 


Translation support of TTS apps is another benefit. The translation is beneficial when you don’t have time to understand a language other than your mother tongue and want to learn quickly.

Listen anywhere:

Thanks to the applications, your voice texts remain hidden on your apple or windows device unless you delete them. You can listen to the content you cannot read while eating or exercising, allowing you to use your limited time and multitask. 

Listening from any device:

The speech synthesis tool is purchased once and can be used on any digital text. It’s now possible to listen to audiobooks, podcasts, and other content while doing something else, thanks to the new text reader apps on iPhone and Android smartphones or iPads and tablets. Also, most natural readers have chrome extensions for windows or ios devices. The screen reader is one example of chrome extensions. For different web browsers, most text-to-speech providers have web pages where you can upload and download your files. These apps provide an easy way to read novels while commuting to work or school.

Listen from the image:

Voiceover tools using OCR technology to read text from images. Now you can listen to the words that are in image format. You need to upload the image onto the website, and it will convert them into human voice audio files.

In conclusion, text-to-speech tools have different benefits, and it might be an excellent option to try tutorials of them and see if it fits the way we work. Plus, most TTS tools offer free trials, so there’s nothing to lose by giving it a try and finding the best text-to-speech software that meets your needs. To try Speaktor free, check this link: Free Trial.

Frequently Asked Questions about Text to Speech and Speech Technologies?

What is the price of text-to-speech apps?

Text-to-speech (TTS) tools can be categorized as either paid or free. Paid TTS tools offer a more comprehensive selection of voices and more language choices. Free TTS tools are often limited to just one voice option and a few languages and are hard to manage because they do not provide integrated services. Most of the paid tools have free trials. Speechify, Voice Dream, and Natural Reader are examples of paid text-to-speech tools.

What can different assistive speech technologies use for education?

Assistive technology is critical in providing equal opportunities for people with autism, dyslexia, or ADHD. Speech-to-text is a screen reader system that converts spoken words into text. It can be used by individuals with disabilities and has been incorporated into educational software. People struggling with writing can use speech-to-text technologies to practice writing. Also, organizations are using the software to improve customer service, increase efficiency, reduce errors, and much more. To learn more about speech-to-text technology, check the site of Transkriptor

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