Document icon with checkmark converting to a pink microphone on purple background
Text-to-speech feature transforms written Quizlet flashcards into spoken audio for enhanced learning and accessibility.

Text to Speech for Quizlet: Enhance Your Study Sessions​

AuthorBarış Direncan Elmas
Reading Time6 Minutes

Online study tools like Quizlet’s flashcards and study guides make learning more convenient than trying to recite passages from heavy textbooks. Adding text to speech for Quizlet enhances written information by converting it into audio—a must if you’re an auditory learner.

Even though the voice-enabled flashcards in Quizlet are helpful, the options to adjust the inbuilt voice settings are quite limited. Here’s where we think combining them with a tool like Speaktor can let you customize the whole experience for more efficient, effective learning.

But why should you bother adding audio to flashcards? Read on to learn the science-backed benefits of multimedia learning and how to use Quizlet study tools with audio support from Speaktor.

Benefits of Using Text to Speech for Quizlet

Quizlet is a useful tool for flashcard learning, which on its own can improve our brain’s ability to rapidly store information (compared with reading long passages of text). But adding TTS enhances your learning in different ways—all backed by science!

1. Improve Retention Through Audio Learning

Combining the written flashcard text with its audio counterpart (either as TTS or spoken aloud) helps your brain create stronger neural connections. It engages multiple senses at once. This improves your ability to retain and recall information as you can articulate your thoughts and strengthen your understanding of a subject.

A 2024 study highlights the importance of learning via this multimedia approach, particularly for auditory learners.

2. Enhance Accessibility

People with impaired vision might require braille or large text materials, while others that have learning difficulties such as dyslexia find it difficult to understand how words are written. Text-to-speech breaks down these barriers as a form of reading assistance by verbalizing written words, thereby making study materials available to more people.

In fact, a 2024 study on Dyslexic children proved that technologies like TTS drastically improved their understanding of how individual words sound, as well as how words work in conjunction with each other. In a study setting, this has a positive impact on how well someone with dyslexia grasps the topic because it reduces the cognitive load when trying to figure out the meaning of written text.

3. Support Language Learning

Learning a foreign language requires you to know how the words are pronounced. How else will you have natural conversations with native speakers if you can’t understand each other? Options such as text-to-speech for language learning on Quizlet can demonstrate correct pronunciation and build your confidence in speaking clearly with others.

A study on Google Translate's audio features showed learners of Dutch as a foreign language could remember nearly all words they learned when tested, and remembered over half when they were tested again at a later date.

4. Increase Study Efficiency

Listening to study materials is eyes- and hands-free, meaning you can play your flashcards as an audio file while commuting, exercising, or washing the dishes. It’s a convenient and efficient use of your time and, according to a 2018 study, may even improve test scores when compared to learning using written-only materials.

Related reading: Is Listening Better Than Reading for Learning?

How to Enable Text to Speech for Quizlet

There are a few ways you can use text-to-speech capabilities with Quizlet. Here are our step-by-step guides to get you started.

1. Using Quizlet’s Built-in Audio Features

  1. Choose any set of voice-enabled flashcards in Quizlet, then click the ‘speaker’ icon on the flashcard and it’ll read out the words displayed. This manually reads the term or the definition.
  2. Flashcard interface showing German word
    Access multiple study modes including Flashcards, Learn, Quiz, Match, and Blocks with audio support enabled

  3. Click the ‘cog’ icon underneath the flashcard set and enable ‘advanced TTS features’ like reading speed as slow or normal, and term and definition. Then press the ‘play’ icon, and it’ll read through all flashcards to help you memorize them.
  4. Advanced text-to-speech configuration menu with multiple audio options
    Customize text-to-speech settings with options for term pronunciation, definition reading, and playback speed control

  5. When making your own flashcards, you can add custom audio by paying for a Plus or Teacher subscription. You’ll see a prompt to record your own audio to attach to individual flashcards.

2. Integrating External Tools like Speaktor

  1. Export your flashcard text from Quizlet using the ‘three dots’ icon > Export > and copy the generated text.
  2. Music theory flashcard export window with text formatting options
    Export flashcard content with customizable formatting options including delimiters and alphabetical sorting

  3. Select ‘Type or paste text’ on your Speaktor dashboard and paste the flashcard text you just copied.
  4. Text input interface for creating new flashcard content
    Create new flashcards by typing or pasting text with automatic formatting detection

  5. Choose your favorite reader and reading language from the list. You can preview the voice before selecting it. Top tip: Not happy with the voice you’ve selected? Choose another at any time and regenerate the audio.
  6. Adjust the playback speed in the playback bar from 0.5x to 2x speed.

Speaktor platform interface showing minor scale music theory content
Practice music theory concepts with audio playback options and multiple speed settings

3. Accessing TTS Features on Mobile Devices

  1. Open your flashcard set and click the ‘speaker’ icon to play the side of the card you’re viewing.
  2. Enable autoplay by first clicking the ‘cog’ icon and enabling audio. Then click ‘play’ underneath the flashcards. It’ll continue to play in the background if the app is minimised.

Mobile interface showing flashcard options and sorting controls
Configure study preferences with shuffle and audio playback options on mobile devices

How to Enhance Quizlet Flashcards with TTS

To make your study time more productive, here are our suggestions on how to use text-to-speech in Quizlet.

1. Create Voice-Enabled Flashcards

  1. Navigate to the home screen on Quizlet.
  2. Go to ‘generate a flashcard set’ and paste your study notes into the field, or upload a file, and click the ‘arrow’ button to generate.
  3. Flashcard set generation interface with text input field
    Generate new flashcard sets from pasted text with automatic content organization

  4. TTS will be automatically added to each flashcard in the set. Click the ‘speaker’ icon to hear it, or the ‘cog’ for advanced options.

2. Use TTS for Language Practice

  1. Choose your foreign language flashcard set from your library or from the search bar on the home page, and click the ‘speaker’ icon to hear the term and definition.
  2. Further your learning with the ‘learn’ function. Click ‘options’ and choose either ‘Spell mode’ or ‘Write mode’. The text-to-speech function will read out the term or definition and you simply type in what you hear.

Audio dictation interface for language practice
Practice language skills by typing what you hear with integrated audio playback

3. Customize Playback Settings

Customize how your study materials sound when you’ve converted them to TTS so they’re easier to understand. Our top tips:

  • Select the ‘cog’ icon under your flashcard set to adjust the speed of playback of TTS from ‘slow’ or ‘normal’.
  • Export the flashcard text, then choose ‘Create an AI voiceover’ in Speaktor. Paste the text into blocks and choose your reader. Click the ‘plus’ icon to translate into 55 languages! Playback will show in the original and translated languages.

Dual-language interface showing English and Dutch translations
Study language translations with synchronized audio support for both languages

  • Choose from a variety of AI voices when pasting your study materials into Speaktor—male or female voices, and even regional variants of your chosen language, for example Australian English or Canadian French.
  • Adjust the playback speed when listening to the AI voice generated on Speaktor—it ranges from 0.5x to 2x.

4. Study on the Go

You’re not stuck in the classroom—here’s how Quizlet and Speaktor combine for easier studying on the go.

  • Toggle autoplay on voice-enabled flashcards in Quizlet via the mobile app, and keep it running in the background while you’re doing other things such as household chores or working out.
  • Download the AI voice you’ve generated via Speaktor in MP3 or WAV format, then use your smartphone or computer’s music player app to listen to it when you’re ready to study. Top tip: Limited mobile data or storage? Download in a lower quality to reduce the file size.

Audio download configuration panel with format selection
Export audio content in various formats with adjustable quality settings

Top Tips for Maximizing Text-to-Speech with Quizlet

1. Pair TTS with Visual Learning

Stimulate your brain by engaging multiple senses when you study. Listen to your flashcard audio while looking at images, diagrams, or even colour coded answers to help group together related information.

2. Experiment with TTS Voices

Using Speaktor, change the voice that’s reading your flashcard audio. You can opt for male or female voices and even change the accent of each speaker using the ‘reading language’. Playback speeds can alter the way a voice sounds for further customization.

Language selection dropdown menu for reading settings
Choose from multiple regional language variations for audio pronunciation

3. Repetition is Key

Reap the benefits of ‘spaced practice’ when using Quizlet study tools with audio support. This involves revisiting study materials repeatedly and frequently testing your knowledge until it sticks. The TES Institute recommends this as a proven method for retaining new information.

4. Create Organized Flashcard Sets

On Quizlet, you can organize your flashcard sets into folders. This is especially helpful to sort by subject, topic, or even difficulty. Just navigate to the library tab, then ‘folders’. Click the ‘plus’ symbol and add your flashcard set.

Folder management interface for flashcard sets
Organize multiple flashcard sets with intuitive folder structure and quick access options

Then, create corresponding workspaces and folders on Speaktor to organise audio and flashcard sets with ease.

Why Use Speaktor for Text-to-Speech with Quizlet?

1. Advanced AI Voices

Quizlet’s TTS functionality is pretty limited, with robotic voices that aren’t customizable. Exporting your flashcards into Speaktor opens up a wide range of natural sounding voices that you can pick and choose yourself, so the AI voice always suits your preferences. It sounds more like a human voice so it’s clearer and easier to understand.

2. Multilingual Support

Learn any subject in 55 languages—Speaktor can translate the flashcard text right inside the Speaktor dashboard, with the original and translated voices displayed alongside each other for easy reference. You can choose from a variety of AI voices to suit your preferred style.

Text-to-speech for language learning on Quizlet is fairly limited, so this option is ideal if you want to translate the study materials into your native language or if you’re learning a new foreign language and want to study by immersion.

3. Easy Integration

Quizlet’s flashcards are easy to paste into Speaktor via the ‘export’ function—it’ll copy all flashcard terms and definitions at once, so there’s no back and forth between the platforms. You can even change how the text is formatted before you copy it over!

4. Accessibility Features

Not everyone finds it easy to understand specific accents or tones of voice. While there are accessibility features in Quizlet with text-to-speech, Speaktor can replace the inbuilt Quizlet TTS function to make the study materials easier to digest.

For people with auditory processing or neurological differences like ASD, choose a reading language variant that’s easy to understand, like American English instead of UK English. For dyslexic people, slowing the audio to 0.5x speed may make the speech clearer.

Alternatives to Quizlet with Text-to-Speech Features

There are other flashcard platforms that are similar to Quizlet with different features. Here’s how they stack up against each other.

1. Anki

Anki is an open-source flashcard program that’s designed to be downloaded to your computer and uses your native TTS software. You can create sets of over 100,000 cards for complex topics and embed images, audio, and scientific markup using LaTeX. If you want to sync your flashcards between devices, you can use their web-based platform.

Anki flashcard creation interface with card state options
Create and manage flashcards with detailed organization and tagging capabilities

2. Cram

Cram is a digital flashcard platform available on web, iOS, and Android. It has a fairly minimalistic UI with limited TTS capabilities in a few languages including English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Cram is used worldwide on a variety of topics, from algebra to zoology, and covers a broad range of academic and non-academic subjects.

Medical transcription flashcard interface with study progress tracking
Study medical terminology with interactive flashcards and progress monitoring

3. Brainscape

Brainscape offers over a million flashcard classes at the time of writing this, with the ability to create your own for free. What’s special about Brainscape is it focuses on spaced repetition, which aids in retaining new information.

You can rate each flashcard with a confidence score, so you repeat your ‘weak’ areas more often until they stick. You can add manual audio to flashcards to make comprehension easier if you’re an auditory learner. It’s available on Web, iOS, and Android.

French verb conjugation practice interface with confidence tracking
Practice French verb translations with integrated confidence scoring system

Conclusion: Take Your Quizlet Sessions to the Next Level

Audio is a vital way to learn for many people. Not just for those with visual impairments or learning differences like ADHD, but for anyone wanting to make studying more efficient. Enhancing study sessions with Quizlet and audio using Speaktor helps you retain what you’ve learned, study more in a shorter space of time, and even get better test results.

Using the visuals and text to speech for Quizlet flashcards together builds stronger connections in your brain so you gain a more solid understanding of your subject. Here’s what you can do next to further your studies:

  • Create your own flashcards and practice listening to them as you read
  • Copy your favourite flashcards into Speaktor and customize the reading voice to fit your preferences
  • Download your flashcard audio and practice listening to it when you’re busy with other things to enhance productivity

Frequently Asked Questions

Text-to-speech (TTS) enhances Quizlet flashcards by converting written content into audio, reinforcing memory retention and comprehension. This multi-sensory approach is especially helpful for auditory learners and those studying new languages.

Quizlet offers basic TTS features, but voice customization is limited. Using an external tool like Speaktor allows you to change the voice, speed, and language for a more personalized learning experience.

TTS can help with pronunciation and comprehension by reading flashcard content aloud. Tools like Speaktor support multiple languages, allowing learners to hear accurate pronunciation and improve their speaking skills.

Yes, you can enable autoplay in Quizlet or export flashcard text to Speaktor, converting it into downloadable audio files. This allows you to study hands-free while commuting, exercising, or doing household chores.

TTS makes Quizlet study materials more accessible for individuals with dyslexia, visual impairments, or learning differences by reading text aloud, reducing cognitive load, and improving comprehension.